Request A Gunsultation

Why would someone need a Gunsultant?

My goal as your Gunsultant is to make sure your firearm purchase is thoroughly thought out. Insuring you are absolutely satisfied with your weapon choice. There are hundreds of firearms available to the public. While the majority of experienced shooters know what they are looking for, there will always be people who don't. Purchasing a firearm requires an individual to know what features he/she is looking for in a weapon. They should also be familiar with gun language and the available technologies. They must decide on where the gun will be implemented, and where to find the best price. My job as your gunsultant is to minimize research time you spend on finding the right gun for yourself, while enhancing your gun knowledge. By asking clients a few questions, I will be able to find particular firearms that meet their needs. Customers will receive a professional document  featuring specifications on the suggested guns, video reviews and side by side comparison of weapons within it's class. All information that is provided within your package will allow you to make an educated decision on the right weapon for yourself. 

How it Works

Once you've made the decision to be gunsulted, you may email your request to Gunversationblog.  Thereafter I will reply with a short questionnaire for you to answer. Once I have completed the  research based on your answers, I will invoice you for my services. You will not receive your gunsultation package until I have been notified of your payment. There are two options for you to choose from:

Basic Gunsultation - consists of a 30 minute research to provide you with a maximum of 3 firearms that match your responses to my questionnaire. You will receive a word document containing those firearms along with their specifications, pros and cons, best price quotes and information on where you can purchase your weapon online.   

Advanced Gunsultation - consists of up to a 30 minute video conversation to go over your questionnaire answers, and obtain a more detailed understanding of your firearm needs. I will complete a hour of research to provide you with a maximum of 5 firearms that match the information obtained through our conversation. You will receive a word document containing those firearms along with their specifications, pros and cons, best price quotes and information on where you can purchase your weapon online. I will also provide a youtube link featuring reviews on each gun by expert shooters for you to watch.

*If you choose the Advanced option, you can request a free price quote from my personal FFL dealer through me.

Gunsultation Services
