Starting an online business store called Gunversation

There is this thing that when you enjoy doing something, you should think hard about turning it into a business. With that idea, I've planned and strategize on how I can make Gunversation a working brand. With my enjoyment of all things firearms, and the introduction to this whole airsoft world, I've finally put all negativity aside to pursue this small business journey.

I've been a member of ebay for over a decade now. I opened an account in 2001 just so I could experience what it was like to make a purchase. Over the years I began selling items occasionally from here to here. Well guess what? There has never been an item I've posted that didn't sell. This was the first hint at why I should have gone ahead and opened an online retail store. Since the initial years of buys and selling items, I've changed the name of my ebay store to Gunversation, started this blog and also created an Instagram and Pinterest page to gain new followers.

My 2018 business goal is to acquire a couple of wholesale accounts to sell airsoft pistols, rifles and shotguns a better prices than retail store chains are giving us. I want to be the type of online retail store that people can talk directly to about their purchased products. Hopefully these distributors can get on the bandwagon, cut me some slack and let me have access to all the great airsoft products out there.

Gunversation LLC.
est. 2018
