Happy 2018 from Gunversation LLC

Not sure if you are as excited for this new year as I am! 2017 was full of growth and development for Gunversation. I have been pondering for years what Gunversation is as a brand, and how it can evolve over the years to not only be a small business for myself, but also a self awareness brand for all things related to firearms. I started this year off with the highest of expectations. Those optimistic thoughts drove me to make Gunversation an official business. Yesterday will forever be the date I made the transition from brand idea to full on business.

It is now official....Gunversation LLC. has been born. My work now begins on bringing good content for airsoft and firearms enthusiasts on gunversation.com. The other side of Gunversation will be a competitive online resale business located on ebay.com for now. Looking in the future, I plan on being able to expand to my own online store.....but let's take it one step at a time....

Signing off,
Gunversation LLC.
