Wouldn't it be a great idea to have a secret gun room in your house? The concept may seem "peter panish" to some, and to a lucky few it's their man cave. Either way I went to browse on pinterest and found some interesting ideas for a secret gun room. I've added some pictures to give you a view of my current gun room board. Prior to looking online for concepts, like other action movie guys I wanted my 007 room. My vision was a room hidden within a closet. A secret room within a walk in closet would have been cool, but I rather a cabinet closet with a back door. One that I could split my suits to both ends of the rack and walk thru. Checking out the ones on pinterest shows me that my mind wasn't thinking far fetched enough. My thoughts on my room have become more defined. Taking the element of secret, secure, firearm capacity and presentation into more consideration now. Lets take some notes on these examples of secret gun rooms.
Being clever about the location is a major key. In which room would you put your secret room? The most common places could be considered out of the question. Now that I think of it, it might not be a bad idea to place the room entrance in a common room. My next main concern would be the room's
camouflage. People need to be able to pass by it and think nothing of what could be behind it. This one in the pool room is an example of a creative secret location. It's a common place where people gather. Who would even think there would be an arsenal behind the wall? Another great way to hid a hidden door is to place furniture in front of it. I found a great example in the picture above. The dresser is attached to the wall, so as the door is pulled open the dresser slides with it. I've added a couple more examples from pinterest below, but I think you should pin a couple ideas yourself. There are so many examples online, and I'm pretty sure you will come up with a new idea just like I did.
camouflage. People need to be able to pass by it and think nothing of what could be behind it. This one in the pool room is an example of a creative secret location. It's a common place where people gather. Who would even think there would be an arsenal behind the wall? Another great way to hid a hidden door is to place furniture in front of it. I found a great example in the picture above. The dresser is attached to the wall, so as the door is pulled open the dresser slides with it. I've added a couple more examples from pinterest below, but I think you should pin a couple ideas yourself. There are so many examples online, and I'm pretty sure you will come up with a new idea just like I did.
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