I've been on a 2-year hunt for the Kel Tec PMR 30. I really just wanted it as a practice gun at first. I mean who can complain about an extremely lightweight gun, that holds 30 rounds of 22 magnum? Plus, I think I'm becoming a fan of the Kel Tec brand. The PMR 30 would be my second owned firearm from Kel Tec. My first is actually being processed by budsgunshop.com and should be on it's way to my FFL dealer by tomorrow. So let us get back to this pistol and all it's worth. Some people are under the belief that a .22 caliber round is not effective. I was just reading an article about a man who defended his home from an invasion with a .22 caliber pistol. One of the suspects succumbed to his injuries and passed. You can read the story for yourself on gunsandammo.com.

Let's take a look at everyone's favorite gun page on youtube Hickok45. He does a great review on the kel tec PMR 30. Enjoy!
Purchase ammo for your Keltec PMR 30 here at luckygunner!
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